Friday, June 20, 2008


"I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

Hold the thought up there for a moment…What a declaration! Anyway, thanks for visiting again. This week I’m featuring an article from a fellow writer from the Faithwriters Community by name Joyce Reed. Of all things writers do Joyce decided to sample the thoughts of her Sunday school kids on what their view of God was. Now (without paying any attention to the grammar) the kids came up with some of the simplest expressions about God one could possibly hear. But a closer look at their innocent ideas would reveal the profound, deep-seated truths that really are concerning who God is.
Isn’t God really what they think Him to be? Is He any much different from what your own thoughts of Him are? Do you expect Him to do such things as these kids thank Him for and bid Him to do? I’ll just let you in on Joyce’s laudable work and only pray that as you take this journey down the little (by no means senseless) minds of these kids your own fellowship with God would become as should be – childlike!
Children's View of God

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14
I had my Sunday school children do one exercise this Sunday; I asked them to write their views on God. I wanted to know what is the first thought that comes to their mind when they hear the word God. Here is what I got from them:
"God is so nice that when I was not feeling nice. God is so great that he help in my studies. And If we want anything he gives us. God loves all even he love our parents. But whenever I use to get angry he tells me to sing song." -Jennifer
"I like God. I have a lot of love for Him. When we go to church, pastor tells us about God." -Kajol
"God is so great that he help in our studies. And he gives what we want it." -Simran "God is so good. God is so great. God loves us all. He protects us all. He gives us whatever we want."-Joyce
"God loves children very much. God listens to the prayers of the children." -Preeti
"I think about God that whenever I get hurt and I pray to God, the next day my pain disappear. I pray to God everyday. God is good. I trust in God." -Kamlesh
"God help me for the exam to pas for end exam for all help to other exam for other to pas for other final exam to the helps to us help helping me." -Jai
(He wants God to help him in his exam and help others help him in his examļ)
"God help you yours when we are in trouble and when we are sad." -Sandesh
"When I hear the word God I think that He is merciful God. I think Lord is the most merciful God. Because He has protected me thus far. God sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, on earth to wash our sins. And He sacrificed himself on the cross and washed our sins with His blood. I thank God for this." -Joseph 12.
"I think God should give me more comprehensible knowledge and that I should understand well that is taught in school. It should help me in my exam and God should brighten my future. God should help in my school life. God should give me strength and energy. God is a mighty God. I praise the Lord, Jesus Christ, that in my exams God help me and give me many marks to pass. I pray at the feet of God. At the feet of Lord Jesus I pray." -Joel
(Another school Hero ... actually their finals are about to start...)
All these kids are aged 4-13. I was amazed to read their thoughts over God. They have written very small and simple sentences, which hold a lot of meaning.There was another chap, around four, who came to me the other day and said that he fell while playing with his brother and got hurt. He then prayed that night and in the morning the wound was healed. He showed me his knee where he was hurt and he was very excited to tell me that it didn't hurt anymore for God had answered his prayer.
Isn't it awesome? The thoughts are so innocent-love, hope, trust, patience, understanding, expectation, etc. Many say that children learn from their parents, but I guess it is time for us to learn from our kids.

Indeed, unless we become like one of them we cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.”
Gen. 15:5 (NKJV)

God called Abraham (I’ll call him AB from hence) out of his country, his kindred, and his father’s house to go to a place that He (God) would show him. AB as of then never knew where this Lord was leading him. Fact is he as a pagan of the land of Ur of the Chaldeans had not been familiar with the Jehovah the True God, Possessor of the heavens and the earth. But it so happens that on this peculiar day he hears the voice of Jehovah and chose to obey that voice asking him to move out, bluntly speaking, into the unknown. What a task that must have been! Everything around him, I imagine, must have thought him crazy. Repressive walls surrounded him; limitations were on every side. Who would believe him?

Now as AB and his family embarked on this lopsided sojourn into the unknown, they pitched tents wherever they would make a stopover, dwelling therein for days, weeks or even months. Now how is that, I mean dwelling in tents? You follow through on the command of a God, hitherto unknown to you; He makes you a promise to make you a great nation and He starts you off with territory called “tent”!!. Fact is AB and his entourage dwelt in tents so long that it almost became the Promised Land to them.

Here comes God’s rude awakening. He…brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.” Wow! Now that must have startled Abraham. He must have looked into the sky and wondered “what in the world is He talking about?” Now was God playing pranks on AB? Nopes not at all! He was actually calling AB out from the tent mentality he had developed. He wanted AB to see beyond the walls of the tents.

On the average, every day of our lives is a natural confrontation with some kind of limitation, some kind of wall that we can’t seem to scale over, a task that seems to stretch our abilities to its taut limits. We find ourselves each day walking into the unknown realm of the next minute; we plan, oh yes we do, but that really is the boundary, the next moment lies awkwardly in the nameless.

In the midst of it all our tendency to triumph or be trounced in the ensuing battle of life lies in our ability, or otherwise failure, to look or see beyond the limitation, barrier or wall;…what lies beyond these walls?

God gave Abraham a bigger, greater view “outside” of the “tent” he had dwelt in most of his sojourn.

Let’s consider the following:

God to Abraham:
“… all the land which you see I will give to you and to your posterity forever.” Gen 13:15 (NIV)

Elijah to Elisha:
“… nevertheless, if thou see me when I am taken from thee, it shall be so unto thee; but if not, it shall not be so.” 2 Kings 2:10 (KJV)

Elisha of Servant:
“And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.” 2 Kings 6:17 (NIV)

God to Jeremiah:
“The word of the LORD came to me: "What do you see, Jeremiah?"
"I see the branch of an almond tree," I replied.
The LORD said to me, "You have seen correctly…”
JER. 1:11 & 12 (NIV)

All of the above is proof of what God will have us do in the midst of the wiles of life. “What do you see?” What you see is what you get! So I’d rather we see beyond! That is what Jesus refers to as “Only Believe” and I may as well add “…looking unto Christ Jesus who is the author and perfecter of our faith.” Yes, look far beyond with the eyes of faith; that is being spiritually minded; that is how we maintain our winning ways as more than conquerors!

Your find here today is like the profound story of a man named Simeon who waited all his life to SEE the salvation of the Lord…the Lord Jesus Christ. That fateful day in the temple as he held God’s salvation in his tired gray hands he could not but look towards the heavens and proclaim…Lord you may now dispatch your servant in peace, for my eyes have beheld your salvation!

You know what friend prepare yourself to experience God’s rest from your strife! Prepare for a leap beyond the walls; the boundaries are unreal and unfounded …for I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom. 8:38 & 39 (KJV)

Friday, June 6, 2008


It’s Friday!!!!! Wow, what a week it has been for you and me. I’m sure all your hardwork has paid off or will pay off soon…some of you are probably ready to drop weak from all the hassle…but thankfully you won’t. Praise God!

Well, haven’t I some great news for you this week! See, I know many of my readers have probably not been to a country called Lithuania – I haven’t myself. But Lithuania has such a spectacle in a place called Siauliai (pronounced shoo-lay). It’s a little hill with a whooping amount of Crosses (mostly rosaries) strewn across its dense monumental field, some of which is brought here by pilgrims who come touring this site. However the chunk of the Crosses is specially planted here by the local devouts, most of whom lost relations and friends in many bloody uprisings once to have befallen the nation.

Now why would I bother you this week with something as unconventional as this. Well, the drift I want you to catch is the thought of the devotion with which people would commit themselves to such an idea. I want you to reflect on your own relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and see if you are this committed to Him. Should He be a hill as memorial as the striking Hill of Crosses in Siauliai, would you be as desirous of Him so as to adorn His plains with a thousand Crosses?

So the whole idea of a Hill of Crosses inspired me to come up with a poetry piece I’d like to share with you. My hope is that you’ll enjoy it and perhaps find in its verses the craving that will draw you closer to our Blessed Saviour.

Here we go:

Ever been there,
…To evergreen Lithuania?
Never once have I been here
Lest you someway do someday
You’ll find her in little Siauliai
North the road you can’t miss her
O ‘Tis a Hill of Crosses.

Intensely ‘mongst the pine woodland
Grows the million crucifix
Nay, you need not deified be
Nonetheless, you’ll find her fair
A simple staircase snakes up her
Escorting you all through her bliss
‘Tis one fine Hill of Crosses

Not so green, bounded sky blue
Handcrafted, silver-smithed, poly-caste
Pricey, cheap; grand and small
You’ll find them all
Overshadowing and being shadowed
Countless-coloured with rainbow flair
Mingling are both kitsch an’ sublime

Statuette angels bless legendary stares
Holding up the Virgin’s smile
Garnishing the green gridlock
With many a great Catholic garland
She’s a gorgeous holy hillock
She’s the Hill of Crosses

Once atop her uphill crown
Such music salutes your cheated ears
Eerie while yet beauty-full
Chinking chains endlessly rhyme
Flowing right down from your feet
All her treasures at your leisure
Mind him not who broke your heart
Loneliness left right your doors
All these crosses make so sure
Once upon a time ago
On Golgotha’s mercy hill
Your peace was bought priced so high
So that once upon this height
Falling’s next to impossible
On this virtuous Hill o’ Crosses

When you do come down the hill
And she asks, the snow-haired nun
Nay, say not that you planted none
Even if you never did so
In your heart of hearts you know
O what great ingrate you’ll be
Coming all the way still loving hate
Take her hand and kiss it dear
She’ll then tell all about her
Of all her bloody uprisings
And of the Soviet purging too
Her hinglish flow somewhat slow

Your bus will leave yet without you
‘Bet you’d still wish never to move
Yet you’ll exit her shores at last
Her memory apprised in your soul
Her crosses firmly ‘stablished there
Upon the picturesque knoll in heart
Though you never did lodge one
Upon her evergreen freedom soil

Just like scores the resolute guest
Who have once come sightseeing
Their yield-less heads discerning
Though tens hail from worlds so high
So loveless unenthused’s their hike
Till they meet the snow-haired nun
Down below the Hill o’ Crosses

Beaming with patriotic pride
Sits her cottage at her feet
Her love-tale sets sail betide
Till you’re through her pure black tea
And the plunge down history lane
Scenery and mastery married
Lo, the Cross-hill sure makes sense
What mighty smeltered cross you’ll lay
‘Twixt the cluttered ranks so dense
Budding up the Lithuanian Hill
O Siauliai’s cultured Cross-hill
That now besets my heart so

© Kwame Otu Sakyi

Friday, May 30, 2008


Toward evening they heard the Lord God walking about in the garden, so they hid themselves among the trees.
The Lord God called to Adam, "Where are you?"
(Genesis 3 vs. 8 & 9)

Neighbours, here we are again this week with a little something, something to ponder over – just so that we could stay in the know while on the go. Anyway, I trust you’ve had a good week or at least it’s been worth your try. Bless God anyhow!

Now, regrettably, I’ve in recent times not been on such good terms with a dear one. The thing is I committed a blunder and just did not turn myself in soon enough to admit my fault. Though I eventually owned up and duly expressed my regret, it turns out that the more than momentary lapse in the time it took me to accept my error rubbed the shine off the apology. The moral of the story? Go find the meaning and the value of the expression ‘nuances’ and do that NOW – gosh, Dr. Mensa Otabil was right!

Fact is, as much as I wouldn’t want to bore you with my problems, this incident has given me a birds-eye vision or rather an insider’s view into what it means to accept a wrongdoing, the urgency with which it must be done when it must be done or then the consequence of our nonconformist attitude. I’m quite certain that a good number of my readers are familiar with the events that precede the fall of Adam (and Eve). In any case, Genesis chapter 3 is where it all happens. Moreso I carefully chose my opening passage because therein lies a question that clearly proves to possess the marvel that should make wise the simple.

Could you, my dear reader, or can you think of anyone else who should have known the whereabouts of Papa Adam (and Mama Eva) any better than the Lord God who Himself embodies omnipresence and Only-wiseness? Did God indeed consider what degree of disrepute He stood to risk in the sight of all of His creation when He ventured as far as letting out the blunt question: WHERE ARE YOU?!!! Could God really not tell where Adam was? The question has been knocking against the side of my head all the while as I contemplate what I should put out here for you my dear readers.

See, there was Papa Adam, his condition was that he had committed a wrong-doing and was daring a swerve past Omnipresence. Buddy, you are with a conscience too, so I’m sure you won’t deny how ill at ease it feels sometimes owning up to your mistakes. Many of us would rather die than admit a fault. I’ve known that feeling on countless occasions…there’s a specific one I’ll let you know about just when I get to rounding up this post. But really in Adam’s ashamed state what he ought to have done was to find his way back into God’s loving arms in search of His pardon. For his action of hiding himself away from God, you and I have the result of broken fellowship with the God who fashioned us according to His own likeness and in His selfsame image. The very reason why ourkind has so needed the Saviour, Jesus Christ.

When alas God demanded “where are you?” He did so because the umbilical cord of sweet fellowship that hitherto existed between Himself and mankind had been severed and a hurting God clearly wanted Adam to realize the implication of what he had done and what was to come in the aftermath.

This is it! Anytime it feels like keeping your distance because of shame or pride when you err whether against God, your fellow man, or yourself please take note that that is the right time to approach the offended party so you could patch up and settle your differences. For in that brief moment where you are in denial, holding your pride up as though it were the FIFA World Cup trophy you just coveted, you are well on your way to digging the pit where you shall soon bury the relationship that is between you and the other party.

Here seems a good spot to drop the story I promised. A young lad once lied to an elderly woman and her husband during an open, well meaning conversation and walked off unperturbed. Well, that very night the Lord dealt with him and before he knew it he was lying prostrate in tears begging God for forgiveness. While at it, the Holy Spirit said to him “Son, I forgive you…but go back and apologize to them.” That shy boy! He penned down his words of apology and dropped it at their residence in their absence. To his delight his plea was accepted and a deeper fellowship is the result there is as of now. Well, that young lad was I and how much I love, admire and thank this experienced couple today!

So where are you? Where can you be found in this thicket of relationships? Are you enjoying a refreshing fellowship in an atmosphere of good neighbourliness? How about the babe (guy) you swore heaven and earth you loved just the other day but now hold in disregard because she (he) broke your eleventh commandment? Think about it! Ciao!!!

NB: Buddies, buddies…please, I need the comments coming in and your votes on the poll which is reviewed each week.… Hey, Selorm what do you think of this one? Is it still way up in the sky?

Friday, May 23, 2008


Hello there bloggers and all well wishers. It's been such a long while since any activity went on here...guess you missed me. We missed you all too. But more of the sorries, nor apologies...from henceforth each week there'll be something new for all our readers. But see, you must make us this promise: that you'll participate fully in all polls and also drop a comment on any of the post every now and again. You know we so much appreciate your comments; such feedback helps shape the future of this blog and of course, affords us the opportunity to bring you more wirte-ups worth your read. (Oh, I don't intend letting you know we plan on using this medium to invite all publishing outlets who want to make any use of our services)

Well, Pals enjoy the new season of Christo-Kwame Coalition...hope you keep in touch every step of the way!!! Once again, Akwaaba (Welcome)!!!!!


A casual wander down the alley of Ecclesiastes, should soon bring you to the curious tree on Avenue Three; yes you know it,…the very one of which, according to the famous Solomon Wise, had its first eight fruits with a tang that pretty much sets your teeth on edge. Forgotten already, well let me refresh your memory: “There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under heaven…” he began to say of them… “a time to be born and a time to die…” he further typified. Now I’ll hold the thought right there.

Just over a fortnight ago, I witnessed one of the most dramatic events that has left such an acid impression on me in the longest while. By the time you are done speed-reading this through I trust I’d have given you such good reason to give yourself a ‘drop dead’ punch every morning to remind you of the rare opportunity of popping your eyes open to a living world that day. I’d have been the more glad though if I were the unfortunate one dishing you one hefty punch after another…ahhhhhhhhhhhhh what displeasure that would give me.

One fine lady once having walked down the aisle with glee did share solemn vows with the man of her dreams. Approximately a year on, this lovely young couple was ready to receive their first bebe…what could make them happier than to find their signature congealed alongside them that literally fulfill the timeless adamic mandate – don’t tell me you dunno know which one. Her glad gaze took in bebe’s fitted features briefly staying her stare into its tiny slited eyes; then her tired hands perhaps did take a swipe to caress the wet yet tender cheeks of the little wonder…at best, that was the last directed chore she ever performed. The very last.

May 10th 2008. Mid morning: her kill-joy motionless remains sumptuously reclined in a cosy casket right before a black clad, visibly shaken throng of sympathizers – much much more than did witness the wedding. Every other expression but smiling faces and starry eyes glared down upon the goner a last time more. Casket closed, tributes read; sermon heard, sirens blared; dust kissed dust and all was done. Amidst it all, this expression still lingers now…from a preacher’s lips it came: as you are so was I; as I am so shall you be!

I won’t scurry far…I shall say what I’ve gotta say now. Have you thought your life over lately, have you taken a really good look at the you who walks with your feet and talks with your mouth? Simply put: what are you becoming? Is the you of yesterday proud of the you that is today? Oh, and on the morrow’ shall the you that would have become then look back to you today and heave a sigh of relief or rather wear a fancy long face in disbelief; to wit: oh what wasted years! Whitherso you walk a fine line or meander down crooked, shadowy paths, you are your best judge. Hmmm…and the pithy part is that whichever trail you tow you are sure headed for a Refiner’s Fire.

No, I’m not cussing at you? Check it…I’ve been first to have ventured here. Friend, this is familiar ground, this is home. I’ve been beat down and still soaking wet from pondering over what I’m becoming…. Come to think of it, that’s why I’m poking at the keyboard at 2 am; when some sticky eye pine for some wanted slumber – could be pretty bad, see? Oh, have you checked the last time I posted a right-up…sorry, write-up on this blog, I needn’t say more. I’ve got to be here each week with something worth your read…that’s where I’m going buddy.

But really, if there is a time and a season for everything under the Sun then today is our time…now is your season to live The Dream! A basket – make that a cee – will no doubt find you on a certain day while you climb down the sixth floor. Oh yes, it will. You know, you’ve been born…and by time’s season so will you…. So why not sit up and live it now!!!! In the book of The Revelation of Jesus Christ (the same one you know), the Spirit pens down something for seven churches – I’m a dozen-and-a-half of them – and I’m well lettered by what He asks of the fifth church: be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God. Don’t give me that can go check it for yourself (Rev. 3 vs. 2).

I presume we don’t yet know when we’ll become like my sweet lady of blessed memory – and of course, of the opening paragraphs, - but we are today what she was (bless God!) and still have the things that are ours’ which remain and that may well be ready to die. Kwame just pick your sorry-self up, lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes, get some muscle on your browning, unadventurous teeth and get down enlarging the borders of your territory. That’s not a proposal, that’s a command!

Now how about those chunky daily punches, think I should still do you the honours. Talk to me!