Monday, June 7, 2010


What would You rather Believe?

“Woe to him who strives with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ Or shall your handiwork say, ‘He has no hands’?
For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens, who is God, who formed the earth and made it, who has established it, who did not create it in vain, who formed it to be inhabited: “I am the LORD, and there is no other.
(Isa 45:9 & 19) NKJV

It is pretty rational and straightforward to be of the impression that the worlds came to be as a result of some cosmic chaos (or conspiracy) and that humans evolved over time from one kind of animal or the other. Of course, that’s acceptable because it is logically easy to follow. However to understand how it really happened from the biblical beginning it takes something other than plain logic, and that is belief. A belief that there is an Eternal Self-sufficient God who exists and transcends anything that is, was and shall ever be made. A God who was present before the atom of anything came to be; who cannot be limited by time, space nor any conceivable thing that can be confined or contained. Now this would absolutely qualify such a Being, even in the logical sense, to be present at the time when any kind of cosmic machination could have taken place.

So whom would you rather believe? There is that branch of science that explores the universe; the scientist (researcher) who through a kaleidoscope (myriad) of theories, - themselves the suppositions of other mortals like yourself who sought to understand the universe by studying nature (which is constantly changing) – make inferences and conjectures as to how everything could have began; and what it consequently plicates for humankind. Then there is the Eternal God, who through the Spirit who proceeds from Himself moves upon holy men inspiring them to pen down for the sake of all mankind the very beseechings of the heart of God that have come to be known as holy scriptures.

This may not be the appropriate platform nor the time to delve into the subject of the codes and the dynamics of translations that the scriptures have undergone. We will just stick to the basics, being the fact that the scriptures (aka Bible) is the express infallible Word of God. In them we oftentimes find a graphic recollection of events as they happened. Then again we find in several places where God (the Hebrew God) makes a personal statement by Himself, his prophets, angels and other chosen vessels He exclusively reserve the right to use. Space would not allow us to talk of the commandments, precepts, laws and institutions of the Old Testament; and of the life, teachings and works of Jesus the Christ in the New Covenant (Testament) including the writings of His chosen apostles who were the forerunners of His Body the Church. – too much information, perhaps!

Now I pray my audience not to get me wrong! I have come to love and respect scientists (researchers, archaeologists, astronauts etc inclusive) and highly regard their works. Fact is, technology is the reason why I’m able to reach you on the other side of the diaspora at the click of an icon. Then I count on the power of electricity like nobody’s business! And all these are the works of my learned fellows. Again there are various branches of the sciences, so how can my ignorant self bunch them all up together and discredit them? In fact I’m too delighted to hear and read of discoveries and inventions and by all means urge scientists to continue with their commendable work. However my joy is often rested in the fact that inventions and discoveries inform me and indeed the rest of the world of the awesomeness and meticulousness of the God who is the progenitor of the whole creation. Isn’t He awesome!

So you see it is a matter of plain logic against belief! Any of which changes the face of the argument such that it waters down the potency of the other. The former is steeped in the absolute possibility of everything according to a traceable tenure of events and therefore quite believes in nothing. The latter however is solely dependent on the absolute existence of a Divine Being who is responsible for the life and predetermined order of the whole creation and therefore can be trusted for an accurate and true expression of the span of events. Belief therefore clearly rules out the possibility of just anything happening out of the blue; hence everything must have been foreknown and predestined.

Finally, logic is a head thing; the heart can be totally excluded. Belief however is hidden in the activity of the heart which should eventually engage the head. No wonder the scripture says … with the heart man believeth unto righteousness. So if you don’t comprehend it yet, no cause for alarm: only believe! Someday your head will come around, literally! Well so choose you this day whom you will believe! When you’re done, come let’s strike gold in the next chapter!